Blog Number 55

Published on 28 October 2022 at 11:44

After a bit of mental 'to-ing' and 'fro-ing' the beginnings of the next novel has raised its head tentatively up above the parapets. It was going to be a cavalry story beginning in Gaul and heading toward the battle of Mons Graupius (AD 84). A backward step in time from the 'Soldiers of The Boar' trilogy. However after a bit of consideration it did not feel as though this story was going to have enough legs to make it to a full novel despite the attractions of creating an entirely new set of characters etc.

The first two books of Soldiers of The Boar were set against known historical events. The concluding part was a natural spinoff. So the problem was, if there is a return to the character of Velio Pinneius, what historical event(s) could be used as a backdrop? Almost by serendipity, within the reasonable span of Velio and Gallus' lifetimes the emperor Marcus Aurelius came to power.

If you watched Russell Crowe in Gladiator you will know Marcus Aurelius spent years fighting in Germania. 

And as Velio Pinneius has seen Britannia, he's seen Gaul, I think there is scope for him to see Germania. So that is where we are planning to go. Should be fun. It already feels better than Mons Graupius.


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2 years ago

Already excited!