This tiny wrinkle in the ground lies just to the west of Birdoswald fort on Hadrian's wall. It lies slightly to the south of the stone remnants and the west running modern road. In the right foreground running obliquely to the top centre are the remains of the original turf wall that stood prior to the stone wall. To the left is the still visible rear protective ditch line. This is one of the few places where anything remains of the original turf and timber palisaded wall. It must have felt a great deal less secure during the dark hours of the night watch than the stone monument that followed.
In its own way this slender evidence is just as remarkable as the stone that survives. It's not signposted or marked for the guidance of visitors, which is perhaps just as well. You can see the highest stone section I could find, also at Birdoswald on the Stone wall tab.
Author's own image and copyright.