Since the launch of Centurion of The Boar as the third part of the Soldiers of The Boar trilogy, I have been wondering what to blog about next. Readers of the blog will know I like the quirky links of history. And though it's been a while since I posted a blog I have come across another little "co-incidence" - call it what you will.
I am considered a cavalry story as a possible follow up to the trilogy and as part of my research bought a copy of "The Roman Cavalry" by Karen R. Dixon and Pat Southern.
At the time the book was published (1992) Dixon and Southern were working on Ph.Ds at Newcastle University and their book is an archaeologically based account of how the Romans organised this part of their armies.
One of their quoted sources is "Cavalry: its History and Tactics." Published in 1853. Author, Captain L.E.Nolan." (Lewis Edward Nolan.) This was one of two books he authored, the other being Nolan's System for Training Cavalry Horses. He is worth an entire post in his own right. One to follow in the future, I think.
However, his name caught my eyes because it was Captain Nolan, officer in the 15th Hussars.
Fast forward from Roman times to The Crimea, Battle of Balaclava, 25th October 1854.
Nolan delivers a message/order from British commander Lord Raglan that the Russian enemy is to be prevented from removing captured artillery pieces from the battlefield. He uses Nolan as a gifted horseman to deliver his order to his sub commander, Lord Lucan who passes it on to Lord Cardigan, commander of the Light Horse Brigade. Unfortunately, Lucan and Cardigan hate each other with a vengeance. Not a good working relationship in a battle.
Further misfortune beckons, there are two valleys, the North valley and the South valley. Nolan points at the wrong one - the North valley, heavily defended and not a place for unsupported Light Cavalry to venture, which Lord Cardigan undoubtedly must have suspected was a mistake. Hence the need for Captain Nolan to positively identify the target to Lord Cardigan.
"There is the Enemy and there are the Guns."
Thereby sending the Light Brigade to its destruction. Infamous words of intended clarification.
How tragic for Nolan that for all his knowledge and skill as a man and as a teacher of horses, his name is remembered for a mistake made in the heat of war. But his written words of advice and instruction have stood the test of time and added much to Dixon and Southern's book.
"The charge must be decided promptly, and executed vigorously; always met, and carried out at speed."
How prophetic.
I think the next one is going to have to be a cavalry story.