Blog Number 4

Published on 4 November 2020 at 09:11

The very positive reaction to "Legionaries of the Boar" has been very pleasing. So much so that a further novel is worth considering. Perhaps it will be the backstory of the principal characters.  I will keep you updated once I have had time to consider this more. Peter Rae's comment (see Comments and Reviews) on authenticity and referencing Nigel Tranter's work was more than I could have hoped for, but in short, yes, there was a lot of research. For example the ins and outs of Roman signalling systems took me into areas I had never planned at the outset but the more the tale progressed the more this aspect became obvious and important. Antonine's Wall is, in some respects, a forgotten monument but its impact would have been just as unwelcome as Hadrian's Wall.   My Viking short story "Lothin Strongarm" has now reached first draft and I am hopeful it will be ready for posting later this month.  Like all the short stories Lothin Strongarm will be a free-to-read posting.   Please keep your reviews and your enquiries for ordering coming, they are important to me. Thanks and stay safe, Allan

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