I just want to send out a "thanks" to the regular site visitors from Ashburn, Virginia, US of A, for their (or is is just a solitary his/her?) interest in the Loch Ard Fiction site. Since setting up the site I have noticed a few hot spots of reader-interest around the world but North America has been consistently second only to the UK in terms of visitor numbers. So thank you for your continuing support. And not just Ashburn. You know who you are :)
I decided to look up Ashburn to learn a bit more about the place. First stop Wiki. Second stop Google Earth. It was only when I looked at G.E. that I realised what a crucible of American history this area is. Forgive my previous ignorance!
When you get two or three seemingly coincidental things lining up in a row it does make you think. The high level of visits to a historical fiction website emanate from a place itself steeped in American history.
I have been interested in the American Civil War for a long time, though I've never been over to see some of the famous places on the ground. Key battlegrounds of the ACW lie all around Ashburn including Harper's Ferry. Tantalisingly, Ashburn is not the first, original name of the place, so my searches for mentions in my ACW books came up short. I believe it changed name circa 1870?
If anyone over there can help me out please do get in touch using the site email.
I wrote in a previous blog about an Edinburgh man who had a bad end at the Little Big Horn, so much so that I did not feel I could fashion a short story out of it. Perhaps Ashburn could be more fertile ground.
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