Blog Number 27

Published on 18 May 2021 at 14:15

It feels like a long time ago that Blog No. 20  in February 21 announced Twenty Thousand Steps had been taken in writing 'Sword of the Boar,' the sequel to 'Legionaries of the Boar.'  Since then it's been heads-down and crack on to take Velio, Gallus and Hanno forwards. One repercussion has been no new short stories posted to the website. Just no time to juggle a novel and short stories. Well today, Sword of the Boar completed its second draft and heads to final formatting and continuity checks, spellchecking etc before being sent to my "test-readers" for an initial reaction. Release to Amazon Kindle will hopefully be much sooner than I had originally penciled in. 

As ever, if you enjoy the Lochardfiction website please do drop me a note and let me know. Your comments are always welcome. And as lockdown finally eases around the UK, stay safe wherever you are.

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