Now that 'Sword of The Boar' has been launched onto Amazon it's been good to take a few weeks away from the keyboard and not write anything for a while: catch the breath etc. Except, well, it's not been quite like that. Sword oTB was intended to be the sequel to wrap up a couple of storylines left over from "Legionaries" and then I would move on to other projects. Instead it seems Centurion Velio Pinneius is not quite finished with me and is whispering that he has a third story to tell. That is an order.
Once the possibility takes hold, those little cogs start turning. A possible opening scenario, an early plot twist and the seed is germinating. I hope "Centurion of The Boar," will come to fruition and become the third part of Velio's trilogy. But it will have to be a task for later in the year.
First though, comes the unfinished business of finalising my Viking tale "Lothin Saga." (If you follow the blog you will have seen earlier posts about it.)
The change of mindset from Roman to Viking, from land to sea is interesting and has taken a few days to get my head around. (Velio was not keen to be sidelined.)
Different gods, different superstitions, different ways of fighting, different cultures. The sea and not the land. And the great bonus of the Viking ship, the most beautiful sailing vessel ever created by human hand. The waters of the Hebrides are beckoning. And so is the keyboard.
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