It's Loch Ard Fiction's first birthday today. A whole year has whizzed past. It's been quite a year, a difficult year for many. A momentous year in the big wide world.
In this safe cocoon of historical fiction-land, this website has seen the publication on Kindle of two Roman novels and the forthcoming release of a Viking novella. Not forgetting this blog of mixed ramblings on various things Napoleonic, American Civil War, Zulu and other assorted matters.
Thank you to every one who has taken the time to visit and read any and all parts of the site. Thanks to those of you who have bought either of the novels, whether you are in Australia, America, or the UK. If you like the site and have enjoyed the novels, please tell your friends about Lochardfiction. And please do leave a review.
The first hints of autumn are in the air. The time for telling stories is beckoning.
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