Blog number 14

Published on 31 December 2020 at 12:22

There is just time left for a last blog of the year. Loch Ard Fiction was set up in late September 2020 and it's come further than I expected. Time for a word from two of my favourite characters as they gather their breath for their next appearances.


From Velio Pinneius, centurion of the Twentieth legion, he wishes you a good "Calundae Ianuarie" - a good new year's day. The day belongs to Janus, god of beginnings and doorways.  A happy first day of kindness and sharing ensures a happy year to come.


From Lothin Vegeirsson, his Viking heritage brings mid-winter "Yule" and the tradition that became Hogmanay" in Scotland. The origin of the word Hogmanay is unclear, it has several contenders.  The explanation I like is that it may come from the French phrase "au gui mener," meaning 'lead to the mistletoe.'  


It just remains for Velio, Lothin, Stan Palfrey and 'Tarve' wish you the best for 2021 when it comes. And so do I. 

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