Blog number 15 already, where has the time gone? (Where's the first week of 2021 gone for that matter?) This one is a special one for me as I can announce that "Legionaries of the Boar " now is available on Kindle, priced at £2.99 Phew - talk about formatting fatigue, it's never been my preferred contact sport but after some good advice I knuckled down and got it done. All the advantages, including 'sample reading', on Kindle will allow Velio Pinneius to reach the wider audience he deserves. Time for a small admission. Creating names for Roman characters is great fun. It's a pick and mix concept that Woolworth's might have invented. One of my favourites is Brutus Carruso. Brutus because no other Roman name conveys the same degree of menace and Carruso because the name of a modern opera singer fits so perfectly. If you want to find out how Brutus fits into Velio's story, you just have to click on Kindle.
Copies of the pdf can still be bought from the website but the attractions of automated 'one-click' buying can't be denied. Now the marketing bit is a bit more organised I can relax and settle down to writing, firstly a second Viking story for Lothin Vegeirsson and the sequel to "Legionaries" which I mentioned in an earlier blog. Take care. Allan
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